“Could your lighting system give hackers what they need to steal your personal information…and more?”
Buildings we live and work in are getting better, smarter and more connected.
The concept of the “Internet of Things” (IoT) is no longer the science fiction perspective but an essential part of the reality of our everyday lives. One of the most significant examples of IoT technologies application can be observed in “smart building” systems and devices.
Most new facilities are equipped with network-connected products including entire IoT enabled Building Management:
- systems for controlling lighting, power , heating, ventilation and air conditioning,
- security cameras,
- fire safety,
- elevator access and much more.
Lighting positions itself at the heart of Smart Buildings and at the forefront of the Internet of Things revolution.
LED systems serve as a connectivity link between sensors, smart applications, artificial intelligence programming.
” As one of the most densely distributed elements within the built environment, lighting fixtures provide the ideal platform for gathering essential data about what is happening in the workplace or at home. “
Yes, can be the answer given by smart lighting and cybersecurity experts. Unfortunately, this evolution has also its downside linked to the digital security aspects of IoT enabled systems.
It is a project, submitted on the COSME call for proposals within the call COS-CLUSTPARTNS-2017-3-02, under proposal number 822069.
The title of the project is ‘Cyber Secure IoT Lighting and Home Automation systems for Smart Building— CYBER SECURE LIGHT’
CYBER SECURE LIGHT aims to develop a Joint Cluster Partnership Strategy to pursue proactive and business-oriented cross-sector cooperation of SMEs and clusters of the IoT smart building value chain, focused on smart lighting security aspects, as is explained above.
Consortium will adopt the interclustering approach to exploit synergies, common assets, innovation sources and financing opportunities to bring the interregional B2B and C2C cooperation to the next level and mobilise joint smart investment.
Project started 01/10/2018. The duration of the project is 24 months.
Cyber Secure IoT Lighting and Home Automation systems for Smart Building
European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Smart Specialization Investments
Let us explain more in detail
LED lighting systems serve as a connectivity link between sensors, things, smart applications, artificial intelligence programming and even new connected wearables.
LED lighting has also created the opportunity to become a form of communication itself through light fidelity or Li-Fi.
In the simplest terms, by flickering the output of an LED bulb, at a speed and intensity invisible to the human eye, binary code can be sent to a receiver (such as a smartphone camera).
The system, along with a variety of other benefits and limitations, allows significantly higher levels of data transfer than WiFi, a technology it may replace in many applications.
The disruptive result is a lighting system that delivers both light and artificial intelligence for running smart buildings.
Unfortunately, this evolution beside its numerous benefits, has also its downside linked to the digital security aspects of IoT-enabled interconnected systems. As all the elements in the building are moving to an interconnection framework, ICT security (cybersecurity) is becoming a major issue in the coming lighting systems for smart building.
Therefore, meeting the cybersecurity challenge requires more reliance on teamwork than ever before, in that building lighting providers must communicate directly with their counterparts involved in HVAC design, automation systems, energy management and building microelectronics, telecommunication, software and all other IoT value chains, because of their shared responsibility for the IT systems involved.
Considering the above, the main objective of the CYBER SECURE LIGHT is to develop a Joint Cluster Partnership Strategy to pursue proactive and business-oriented cross-sector cooperation of SMEs and industrial clusters of the IoT smart building value chain, with a particular focus on the security aspects.
Who we are?
We are seven partners from Italy, Spain, Slovenia, France, Poland and Hungary. The project leader and iniciator of the project idea is Luce in Veneto.
Luce in Veneto is an innovative cluster in the smart lighting sector based mainly inthe Veneto Region for the internationalization and innovation of its members. Lighting engineering is one of the keystones of Italian manufacturing.
DOMOTYS, as a cluster, focuses its field of work in home automation and smart building, gathering agents (especially SMEs) in these fields and covering the totality of their value chains.
Construction cluster of Slovenia support cluster based collaboration of SMEs and knowledge actors in construction, design (BIM) and engineering, building automation, energy management and circular economy.
The overall objective of SCS cluster is to increase the competitiveness of its members, which are companies and research center in the Digital area, in the Provence- Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, in France.
European Lighting Cluster Alliance
ELCA aims to strengthen the competiveness of the European lighting sector in the smart and connectedlighting (S&CL), to accelerate growth within the sector, deployment of energy-efficient lighting solutions and to contribute to societal benefits associated to lighting.
Świętokrzyski-Podkarpacki Construction Cluster INNOWATOR
Construction Cluster INNOWATOR has been created as a cooperation platform which facilitates the transfer of knowledge and modern technologies, the increase of personnel’s skills and promotion of enterprises.
ArchEnerg cluster also aims to increase public awareness about renewable energy and energy efficiency in Hungary. The thematic areas of the cluster are related to energy efficiency and renewable energies, construction products and services, as well as electric works, insulation, doors and windows, energy efficient lighting systems.
The “European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for smart specialisation investments” (ESCP-S3) action of the COSME Framework Programme of the European Commission contribute to boost industrial competitiveness and investment within the EU. The ESCP-S3 are facilitating cluster cooperation in thematic areas related to regional smart specialisation strategies and to increase the involvement of the industry in the context of the Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation.
Co-funded by the COSME programme of the European Union
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#CyberSecureLight #COSME #ESCP3s #clusters #CyberSecurity #IoT #LEDlighting